

(Glen – a long and narrow valley)


During one of the worst thunderstorms to ever hit the tiny country town of Storm Junction, Illinois, Sharyn Suttles falls into a dream that all too quickly becomes her new reality.

There’s only one catch, in this dream Sharyn is an avatar known as Janaira who answers to the lead avatar known as Diego in a land that is beautiful yet menacing looking.

While a bit disturbed by the fact she cannot wake up, Sharyn as Janaira sees this as the perfect opportunity to experience the life of an avatar in a world she has never known even existed.

It isn’t long before Janaira runs into danger for one of the avatar world’s most feared enemies challenges her to a dual.

Just when it looks like she’s gonna be defeated, an older female avatar name Avataress rescues her and takes her to the safetiness of the Sapphire Castle somewhere inside the valley known as Glendaire.

It is there Janaira meets and teams up with another older female avatar name Glenna who teaches Janaira the pros and cons of life as an avatar.

It is through her training Sharyn as Janaira discovers a dark secret about her future self and the avatar world she’s now trapped in.

During all this, one question stands high on her mind – will another worst thunderstorm ever wake her up?