Time Fog

Winter 1847

CODY SHEPHERD left his log cabin in the timber near the tiny Town of Windflower, Missouri, on an unusually warm day and went for his usual morning walk through the timber.

As usual, the six foot plus ruggedly handsome man was carrying his pistol in its holster on his right hip.

During his journey, Cody came across a green pathway in between an unusual set of four large trees and stopped to examine the pathway.

For a few minutes, Cody didn’t see anything other than a lush green valley and a refreshing stream.

Cody turned around to leave only to see nothing but a lush green valley. The timber from which he had came was gone.

Just out of curiosity, Cody walked about the lush Green valley. He hadn’t gone far when he heard a unique sound a little ways off.

Right off the bat, Cody couldn’t tell what the sound was but he knew it was a sound he had never heard before and which was growing louder by the minute.

Suddenly overhead, there was a human sized dragon and it didn’t look too happy to see him.

Cody drew his pistol and shot at the approaching dragon only to miss it as the dragon dodged the bullet.

Then he heard another sound and the dragon immediately flew away. Cody shrugged it off and put his pistol back into its holster. Although the sound was very loud, it wasn’t frightening enough to chase him away. Besides where could he go to find safety when he didn’t know the area.

Cody looked about the valley.  Off in the distance, there appeared to be a sky high city of skyscrapers that looked like they had been made out of black diamonds.

Then out of the corner of his eye, Cody saw a beautiful woman walking about the lush green valley.

Although the woman seemed out of place being dressed in a black leather almost nothing dress with a belt of black diamonds and a black diamond pendant hanging from her neck, and black heels with two diamond shaped markings on the back of her hands with black smaller diamonds that form a ladder up her arms and into her skin stopping just shy of her elbows and one large black diamond embedded into the middle of her forehead, Cody could tell by her actions that she truly belongs there. But where is there?

Thus the story begins…

Earth’s Ancient Past

Deep within the Anaquan Constel-lation on a small Earth like planet, an Elders meeting was taking place to decide where they could get the gold necessary to save their planet from going extinct.

After a very long discussion, the planet’s top scientists recommend-ed they try the planet Earth in the Milky Way. According to their information, Earth had an abundance of gold on it.

It was then decided that they, the Elders, would send a spaceship carrying a small group of minors to Earth to mine for gold.

Once they had enough gold to restore their planet’s gold pits, they were to return there with the gold.

When it was asked if Earth was inhabited, the scientists said ‘not at this time.’

Short time later, the spaceship left the planet and headed for the Milky Way Galaxy.

Upon entering the Milky Way Galaxy, the Anaquans headed for Earth.

Days later, the Anaquans approached Earth only to discover it was uninhabitable. But determined to complete their mission, the Anaquans found an Era Dimension path and used it as their path into one of Earth’s numerous dimensions.

The Era Dimension they landed in just happened to be the Era Dimension shortly before God beautified Earth.