DeFargos Secret Alien Civilization

A small group of young Research Experts accepts a major research challenge project in a newly developed country town in Southern New Mexico on a land that has been declared a hotbed for UFO activity and discovers the town’s shocking hidden and deadly underground secret.

On a freezing cold winter night somewhere in the Colorado Mountains, a small group of young Research Experts (Ava, Ethan & Mureka) are having a secret conference. Purpose of their conference was to find a solution to their highly deadly situation.

As the result of participating in a major research challenge in Southern New Mexico, these Research Experts discovered a centuries old Alien related secret that could either save Humans from an actual Alien invasion or destroy the entire American Midwest if ended up in the wrong hands.

They knew they had discovered an alien species who have plans to take over Earth and were tempted to inform the Government.

Then again if they did that then the Military would be called in and the area in which they work would be taken over by the US Government and they would be ousted out.

They simply could not allow that to happen. Not until they were officially sure of how they could use the information they had found against their Alien Masters.

It has been said that DeFargos, New Mexico is a hotbed for UFO activity. Though it had never been proven true, the small group of Research Experts is about to find out this particular legend was one hundred percent true.

On the fifth of June in the year 1872 somewhere in the New Mexico wilderness, a mysterious aircraft landed in a small open area.

Its Inhabitants, an alien race of Humanized AIs, have secretly landed on Earth to build an underground city in which they could plot their Earth takeover.

Because of their high technological tools and skills, the Humanized AIs managed to get their underground city built in no time flat. After their underground city was finished, the Humanized AIs set up two laboratories.

They used one for building high alien weaponry and one for the creation of multiple alien diseases that could easily take out an entire Earth county. Before they could actually use them, they themselves fell victim to an Earth disease that still hadn’t been discovered yet and slowly over time, the Humanized AIs all died out.

A Century Later

Another aircraft landed in that exact same area of New Mexico with their own plans of taking over the Earth. However, there was one thing they weren’t counting on.

Deep underneath the New Mexico ground laid a major threat to everyone existing above ground. Hidden deep under the New Mexico ground lay a secret catacomb of highly advanced alien weaponry and a shaft of mysterious alien created diseases that could easily take out an entire county.

Because it wasn’t them who had created the weaponry or the mysterious alien diseases, the new race of Humanized AIs felt the need to document their findings in their own Humanesque language so only Humans could decipher their documents and not other alien species who had plans of taking over the Earth. Once they were done with writing warning documents, the Humanized AIs decided Earth would be too dangerous of a planet to try and conquer and left Earth for good.

Before they left Earth, the Humanized AIs hid the alien weaponry and alien disease labs so nobody could find them. But made the mistake of writing down their secret hideaway in one of the documents.

Half A Century Later

A different alien species, reptilian in nature, arrived on Earth in that exact same area and found the Humanized AIs’ secret documents only to discover they had no clue as to how they could decipher documents in human-like language.

Thus the purpose of their need for a small group of actual Human Research Experts to decipher the documents for them.

About a month earlier, a young woman graduated from the best Research Academy in the American Midwest and did it with honors.

Although she didn’t know much about thoroughly conducting research the day she attended her first class at the Richardson Research Academy in Springfield, Illinois, by the time Ava Douglass graduated from the academy, she was at the top of her field.

During her academy days, Ava expertly learned the ins and outs of the Research field and could conduct research in any environment under any circumstances.

Now since she had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Research and working full time at the local library as their top researcher, Ava was ready to take on the greatest challenge of her young life. Ava searched the internet for the perfect opportunity to gain that challenge.

Nearly two weeks later, Ava found that challenge – a major research business in the newly developed New Mexico town of DeFargos was seeking a small team of researchers to unlock the mystery of the town’s legend.

Ethan Connery was a young researcher with a promising career ahead of him. Though he had recently been heartbroken by the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée and had almost lost his research career on account of it, Ethan found the same major research challenge opportunity and decided to try for it. If his plan works, the major research challenge would not only give him a chance to recover from his broken heart, but also the chance to rebuild his research career.

Way up in Alaska, a young couple (Lisa & Derek Rowland) longed for a change of scenery. Don’t get it wrong, They loved Alaska and enjoyed living there. But the truth was, there was little to do during most of the year.

From the moment they stepped foot in the Alaskan Frontier, they had only been able to get ordinary jobs such as truck driver and waitress. But they longed for something more. Something more exciting to do with their lives.

Before moving to Alaska, Derek & Lisa both had been research Experts in their hometown of Lalinda, Kansas.

What their families and friends weren’t aware of, although they should have been, the whole purpose of they even moving to Alaska was so they could conduct research in the wild Alaskan Frontier only to discover the particular area they had been interested in had become off limits to non-Alaskans and was turned away.

Now as they were approaching their thirties, They felt the need for a change. After reading about the New Mexico major research challenge, They decided to go for it and applied for the challenge.

Mureka Williams is a research expert and had been for nearly three years, but just like the others, she too was in a bit of a rut. Due to family needs, Mureka was forced to put her research career on hold.

During the last few months, her life had been in sort of a ditch. Her husband DeMarr had taken off with his hot mistress and their only child – son Trey had moved to Europe with his fiancée’s family.

No longer having anyone to come home to or to cook and clean for, Mureka decided to try and resume her research career.

Mureka too applies for the New Mexico major research challenge.

In DeFargos, New Mexico, the business which had placed the New Mexico major research challenge was not your ordinary research business.

These particular business people were into deciphering the top secret Alien Documents they had found in the underground city on which the town had been built with the very evil intention of using the information for their own purpose. But there’s a problem, none of them could read the language on which the documents had been written and needed the help of genuine Human Research Experts to decipher them. That too was going to be a problem. There were tons and tons of those Alien Documents so they decided to hire a small group of the best Research Experts they could possibly find. The younger they were, the more they could do in a short time.

So as a result of a council meeting, the head honcho placed their New Mexico major research challenge ad in the newspapers across the United States.

A few weeks later, the business received numerous applications on their website and managed to cut it down to five young Research Experts: Ava, Ethan, Lisa, Derek & Mureka.

A Month Later

All five of the applicants caught either a bus, a plane or a train to DeFargos, New Mexico. Upon arrival, they were put up in the town’s only hotel that was nearest to the business.

After a day of meeting and getting to know each other a bit, the research experts were escorted to the business headquarters where they were informed of their research deciphering assignments and were introduced to their individual Supervisors.

The first thing the following morning, each research expert along with their supervisor was escorted to their individual offices and given their deciphering assignments.

While three of the research experts didn’t pay much attention to exactly what they were deciphering, two of them took special notice of exactly what they were deciphering and the possible outcome of having such knowledge.

Unfortunately by that time, the business people who had hired them had planned their own agenda in case the research experts were to get way too close to the truth of exactly what they had been assigned to do and why they were doing it.

It was only a matter of time before the research experts realized they had been secretly chosen to expose the shocking truth about DeFargos, New Mexico and its secret Inhabitants plan to take over their town.

Unbeknownst to any of them. Least of all the current Alien Humanoid Species that was currently there, the hidden Alien Weaponry and Alien Diseases had somehow evolved into Humanoid Beings.

As the Human Research Experts returned to their tasks at hand, they were greeted by an Army of Weaponry turned Humanoids who attacked them on sight. While three managed to escape, the last two were lost in the battle. Meanwhile the Mysterious Alien Diseases too had evolved into Humans and had escaped their prison.

This caused total chaos above ground as The Disease turned Humans invade the town instantly killing everyone in sight. Because the diseases were so powerful, all they had to do was simply walk past a natural born Human and that natural born Human would simply drop dead.

Back underground, the surviving thre, e research experts managed to hide in a small bunker there within the underground city while the world outside was horrifically destroyed by the loose Humanized Weaponry and Humanized Diseases. Inside their hidden bunker, the research experts search for an escape passage.

Just when they thought they found their escape, an unexpected earthquake-like event destroyed that escape passage and trapped them inside that hidden bunker.

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